Make Your Family’s Values Clear
Values are cultivated in the family and learned in time and with proper guidance.
Family values are often defined as a set of beliefs that can help provide for family unity. These are beliefs, moral or social, that holds the family together. Spiritual values, like in the saying that the family that prays together stays together, clearly define this unity value. Others also say that family comes first in everything that they do. This is a positive moral value that must be adopted ideally by people.In the early years, there were so many beliefs that can be considered obsolete nowadays. Women were denied their rights, unmarried men were considered homosexuals, wife beating was no considered wrong because they were masochist – a lot more can be enumerated. But most of these are already considered things of the past.
Traditional family values changes with cultural changes adopted by people. Political or economic developments may have an effect on cultural change. The traditionally poor who are now financially well-off may have a possibility of getting lesser moral values. Spirituality also may lessen and materialism may get into the lives of people.
This situation should not get into people’s minds. Although family values may vary from one family to another, the setting of values which are continually communicated to the different family members will be permanently instilled in their minds. Young kids will not have difficulty in absorbing these, and parents showing the way will always be a good example.
Since the family is the most basic unit of society, a healthy functioning family should develop good and healthy family values. Those values that can be looked up to by most people and most families as well are most ideal. Our social values are most often reinforced by our spiritual beliefs and traditions. Fear in God makes man follow the right path and with the head of the family showing these, the whole family will likely to follow.
Family time which includes playtime for the whole family creates a healthy bond that ties them strongly together. This is a perfect time for sharing family values, and working together with your family can create and identify new values learned.
Family values can be a foundation on how your children will grow. Teach them and support them correctly and they will be good future citizens. Take time to share your family values and traditions with your kids.
Your kids, having acquired healthy family values, will forever be grateful to having you as their parents. Their future will be assured since they were always guided to follow the right path. Moral ascendancy was always shown by their parents, hence they will forever be righteous in everything they do. And this tradition can be handed down to the generations that follow.