Friday, November 11, 2011


“Be the change you want to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi
Change is not going to come if we wait for some other person.One man is  enough to start the revolution
The Starfish Story
An elderly man was walking along the beach, admiring the beautiful view. As he walked, he noticed that a large group of starfishes had been washed ashore by the receding tide, and they were struggling to get back to the water. The man was saddened by this turn of events, but accepted that there was nothing he could do to change anything.
The man walked on, continuing to notice the large numbers of helpless starfishes, until he saw another man in the distance standing at the water’s edge amongst the starfishes. Curious, the elderly man walked over to him, wandering what he was up to.
As he got closer, the elderly man could see that the younger man was picking up starfishes, one by one, and throwing them back out into the sea. Astonished, the elderly man got close enough for the other man to hear him, and then he called out.
“Hey! What on earth are you doing?”
The younger man turned to him and smiled, then turned back to the sea, still continuing his duty of picking up and throwing starfishes.
“I’m helping these starfishes get back into the ocean.”
The elderly man couldn’t believe it, why was this man wasting his time throwing starfishes back? There were thousands of them here, it would take him days! He voiced his thoughts.
“Why are you throwing them back? There’s thousands of them here, it’ll take you forever! How can you possibly hope to make a difference to these starfishes?”
Remaining calm, the younger man continued his duty without looking at the elderly man. Just as he threw another starfish back into the ocean, he replied.
“I made a difference to that one.”

A little help done by us can give life to someone
Most of people want to help others ,but they donot know how they can  do this noble  work.They want to spread peace ,love, comfort ,hope and joy.   But how?

Would you please suggest ?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

                                     Know Yourself

To know yourself is your first priority.

How can you set goals, go about life, and have relationships if you don't know who you are or what you want? You really can't.
To not know yourself leads to confusion and wasting much time in hit and miss situations.
We tend to underestimate the importance of knowing ourselves. Many of us go through each day reacting to events and just getting by rather than making conscious choices based on who we are and what we want.
When we don't know where we are headed it's hard to set goals, get motivated and determine the best course of action. Before we can do any of these things we must establish who we are.
To know yourself:
• Be aware of your strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes
• Observe and be aware of your moods, reactions and responses to what is happening around you
• Become aware of how these moods and emotions affect your state of mind
• Examine how you interact with others
• Observe how your environment affects you
Knowing and understanding yourself better, in turn, leads to better decision making, setting and reaching appropriate goals and altogether living more productively.
There are many interesting personality tests and evaluations for self-discovery that can help you become more in tune to yourself and are fun to do.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body (Human Energy Field-HEF) and every organism and object in the Universe.

The Human Energy Field as a collection of electro - magnetic energies of varying densities that permeate through and emit or exit from the physical body of a living person. These particles of energy are suspended around the healthy human body in an oval shaped field. This "auric egg" emits out from the body approximately 2-3 feet (1 metre on average) on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sincerity is generally understood to be truth in word and act. One who means what he says is a sincere person. One who does not mean what he says is not a sincere man, and is perhaps even a hypocrite. Because of its purity the term ‘sincerity’ has endeared itself to us. We love sincere people. We also love to be known as sincere people.

As man is constituted, each part of his being – mind, emotions, etc. – is independent and is not necessarily influenced by the growth of any other part. If we could integrate the different parts of our personality, every part would then be raised to the level of the central growth. A person is integrated if his emotions are rational, social and gentlemanly to the same extent as his mind. His sincerity is partial if it is limited to the mind and external manners.

By ‘sincere’ we understand that the man acts according to his conscience. If he acts according to the dictates of his conscience, we accept his sincerity. In that case, he is sincere to himself. In society this is acceptable as sincerity, but this may be wrong. Suppose an administrator feels that according to his sincere conscience the clerk has to be treated as a second-class citizen, he may be sincere but the world outside may not accept it. He may be sincere but his own conscience may be undeveloped. It is not enough to act according to the conscience; the conscience must also be cultured and noble. Being cultured is a social concept. Being noble is a moral concept. Both are good in themselves, as sufficient guides to men in society. But there is a deeper reference, and that is the inner being, the soul. Sincerity means to act according to the dictates of the inner divine, to obey the Divine Will. Any other reference like morality, society, conscience etc. is not sufficiently high.

There are also different levels of sincerity according to the different parts of the being. There is mental sincerity, vital sincerity and the sincerity of the body. Mental sincerity means to understand and accept in the mind the highest ideals of the inner Divine. The mind has a personality of its own, its own beliefs, preferences, traditions, habits, etc. A person may want to dedicate himself to a very high ideal but the mind may not be able to accept. The nerves, otherwise known as ‘vital’, also have their own personality. The body has an equally powerful one, perhaps more powerful. Each of them have developed on their own and retain their individuality.

Of all the levels of sincerity, mental sincerity is the easiest. Let us examine it here. If we leave aside blatantly insincere people such as liars, clever crooks, etc. and consider only those who consider themselves to be sincere, and really examine their beliefs, several facets of sincerity will emerge. One can sincerely believe in a false idea. Many sincere people have a strong belief even though the belief is not true. This belief stands in the way of their progress. Some of these may be: 1) my country’s culture is the best in the world; 2) because a person is my friend, he must be trusted by everyone, etc. Sincerity should also be rational and intelligent and not foolish. It is not enough to be sincere, you must also be right.

A certain wrong belief about ourselves can have tragic consequences for our growth. An insincere employee is perhaps able, by his cleverness, to convince his boss that he is easily the best in the world and indispensable to the institution. Sometimes he comes to believe himself in his ‘ability’. If he is a sensitive man, capable of further progress in life, this belief acts like a black cover over his soul and prevents him from any progress. Sometimes people wrongly believe, in all sincerity, that their spouse is the cause of all their problems. But the problems they encounter in life, the blocks to their success, are really centered in themselves. These people lose a golden opportunity for progress. Their false view of themselves allows them to even commit outrages on the society. It does not matter they fool others, but it is a pity they fool themselves. We can call them sincerely insincere people. Most of us have such a streak in one thing or another. Unless and until we come forward to shed this aspect of sincere insincerity, the inner light will not shine forth.

It is open to everyone to make his sincerity greater and greater everyday. One can start by being guided by his conscience and becoming conscientious. One bases his sincerity of right information and socially acceptable intelligence, not sincere foolishness. Horizontally one can extend the domain of his sincerity to other similar areas of life and existence. Vertically he can raise the quality of sincerity by extending it to events of greater significance. Sincerity made perfect at the level of conscience, extended horizontally to cover all our life activities and vertically to act in important events of our life will be a sincerity of power and value.

If what is of value to you inwardly is also recognised by the society as valuable in their eyes, your sincerity reaches a second peak in the mountain chain of human progress.

Morality is a great thing for society. If one raises his own sincerity to fulfil the moral requirements of honesty, veracity, purity, etc., etc. it will result in another crown for the inner jewel of sincerity.

Morality is great, conscience is great, society is great. All are good in themselves. In a spiritual endeavour, they are stepping stones, not the final crown. For the final crown, the inner Divine is the sole reference. One must be sincere to the inner Divine and try to express it in speech, emotions and acts.

There is a test for sincerity and its level of attainments. One who has achieved mental sincerity will not complain about anything. One whose vital sincerity is complete will not know any sadness of any kind. The man who has achieved sincerity at the physical level will not meet with failures of any kind in his work.

One who achieves sincerity at the level of the Spirit will be able to evoke it successfully in others at all three levels, according to the intensity of his own attainment and the purity of the other receiving human being

Monday, March 7, 2011


Leadership Skills

 There are specific skills someone must master if they want to be a leader.
  • Effective communication - it's more than just being able to speak and write. A leader's communication must move people to work toward the goal the leader has chosen.
  • Motivation - a leader has to be able to motivate everyone to contribute. Each of us has different "buttons". A leader knows how to push the right buttons on everyone to make them really want to do their best to achieve the leader's goal.
  • Planning - the leader has a plan to achieve the goal. He/she doesn't get too bogged down in the details, that's what managers are for, but rather uses a high level plan to keep everyone moving together toward the goal.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Time management is the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling, and budgeting one’s time for the purpose of generating more effective work and productivity. There are an abundance of books, classes, workshops, day-planners, and seminars on time management, which teach individuals  how to be more organized and more productive. Time management has become crucial in recent years thanks to the 24/7, busy world in which we live.
Time management is important for everyone. While time management books and seminars often place their focus on business leaders and corporations, time management is also crucial for students, teachers, factory workers, professionals, and home makers. Time management is perhaps most essential for the person who owns his or her own business or who runs a business out of the home. Managing work and home responsibilities under the same roof takes a special type of time management.An important aspect of time management is planning ahead. Sometimes, successful time management involves putting in more time at the outset in order to reorganize one’s life. Though many time management books and teachings differ in their suggestions, most agree that the first step in efficient time management is to organize the workspace or home. Even if one's schedule is well-ordered, but the office and filing system are a disaster, time will be wasted trying to work efficiently in a disorderly place.
Often, when individuals write down every last activity, they find that there is very little time left for sleeping. The end result is that many activities must be pared down, eliminated, consolidated, or delegated. Prioritizing activities on a scale of one to three – one being the most important and three being the least – can help with this task.
Lastly, good time management involves keeping a schedule of the tasks and activities that have been deemed important. Keeping a calendar or daily planner is helpful to stay on task, but self-discipline is also required. The most efficient to-do list in the world will not help someone who does not look at or follow his own daily planner.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What makes a person happy?

If you believe it is money, health, travel or a good figure, then you’re wrong. You can have all the wealth in the world and still be unhappy.  Different people get happiness in different ways. For some, it comes from having a fulfilling job or a satisfying relationship. For others, it could be the ability to deal with life’s challenges with equanimity. Whatever the source, one thing is certain: happiness is an attitude. It is the mindset that enables you to interpret things in a positive way. It is that particular feeling which puts a spring in your step and a smile on your face, for no apparent reason.
If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy. There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled.
"Today is a gift, that's why it is called the present."
People will forget what you said... People will forget what you did... But people will never forget how you made them feel...

He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say.  When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"  He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, John was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.
Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?"
He replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or ... you can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood." Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or...I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or... I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.
"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested.
"Yes, it is," he said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live your life" I reflected on what he said. Soon hereafter, I left the Tower Industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.
Several years later, I heard that he was involved in a serious accident, falling some 60 feet from a communications tower. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, he was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back. I saw him about six months after the accident.
When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins Wanna see my scars?"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Value of Discipline in life

Discipline means the willing submission of a person to rules, regulations and instructions to someone recognized by society. It is a willing and polite discharge of one's duty towards others in society. Discipline must be observed by everyone of us in all walks of life. One should be disciplined whether at home, in school on the play ground, on duty, in the office or in the army. Discipline is a virtue. It provides mental strength to discriminate good from the bad and to defend the right against wrong.

The strength of a nation lies in discipline. No nation can progress unless its citizens are disciplined. Citizens of a disciplined nation work in a spirit of co-operation and unity. Whenever a country is suffering from internal strife with no unity and moral values among the citizens, it loses self confidence and an opportunist neighbour often takes the advantage of the situation. That's why Chanakya once said, "United we stand, divided we fall."

Some people misunderstand the meaning of discipline. They say that discipline leads to blind submission to authority and it negates our independent freedom. This is a misconceived notion and a wrong interpretation of 'discipline'. Discipline doesn't mean slavery. A disciplined person has full freedom but the freedom of a disciplined is such, it neither disturbs the society nor interferes with other's freedom. The word discipline comes from the word 'disciple'. A disciple is one who learns and is constantly aware of his learning. For example, A trainee to a carpenter, learns from a master carpenter how to keep tools clean, how to use tools correctly. If he puts this learning into application, in this particular aspect he is disciplined. If a person is disciplined in a particular aspect, it is very easy to spread the essence of this discipline to the other areas of his life. The importance of discipline is well recognized in every aspect of life.

Nature is the best mirror of perfect discipline to all of us. The earth, the sun, the moon and other planets are governed by certain laws to maintain perfect harmony and beauty. Any deviation from these set rules, will spell an utter disaster in nature.

Discipline is the backbone of the nation. Only those nations where people have a sense of discipline can prosper in all fields. They even rule other nations. Discipline is a valuable asset at all levels of the society. A family having no discipline becomes a den of quarrels and is ultimately divided. An educational institution having no discipline doesn't impart value based education. That is what one can see in some of the states in India. To study or not to study, to teach or not to teach, to attend the classes or not to attend the classes - all is left to the sweet wishes of the students and teachers. Thus the standard of education has gone to dogs. That is why parents want to educate their children in Missionary schools and Public schools.

Discipline should be the first criterion of the family. Parents must bring up their children in congenial disciplined atmosphere and teach the right values to transform them into balanced adults. Therefore, they can give their best to the country as disciplined citizens.

Discipline is necessary for both the teacher and the taught. A good teacher has a great responsibility of keeping a high image of his personality in the society. He can't do it unless he maintains an intellectual and more discipline of a high order. No student will obey and respect an indisciplined teacher, however high may be his knowledge.

Similarly only a serious and self disciplined student achieves something worth in the life. Indisciplined students just wander here and there, waste away their precious time and energy in useless activities and later on repent in life. They soon learnt that there is no shortcut to success and it is only through consistent hard work and self discipline that they can achieve their objective in life.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Why work hard, if there are shortcuts?

The good thing about working hard is, that for people who are driven towards their goal can enjoy their hard work and consequently, the work does not seem unduly grueling to them. When you begin to work hard towards achieving success, make sure to work smartly too. An intelligent working technique, along with relentless effort will go a long way in helping you achieve the success that you always desired.
Nothing in this world comes easily, least of all, success. Take the example of Abraham Lincoln who worked hard, without ever getting disappointed of his countless failures, from the age of 21 till the age of 52, when he went on to become the President of the US. Again, it took Noah Webster 36 years to compile his Webster's Dictionary. Where would we be today if he had not put in those countless hours of hard work behind his grand contribution to the English language?
Therefore, you need to remember that there are no short cuts to success. Hard work, complimented with an intense desire to struggle and to achieve success is the only sure shot way of reaching success that you have always wanted

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Difference between morals and ethics.

"The difference between ethics and morals can seem somewhat arbitrary to many, but there is a basic, albeit subtle, difference. Morals define personal character, while ethics stress a social system in which those morals are applied. In other words, ethics point to standards or codes of behavior expected by the group to which the individual belongs. This could be national ethics, social ethics, company ethics, professional ethics, or even family ethics. So while a person's moral code is usually unchanging, the ethics he or she practices can be other-dependent.
When considering the difference between ethics and morals, it may be helpful to consider a criminal defense lawyer. Though the lawyer's personal moral code likely finds murder immoral and reprehensible, ethics demand the accused client be defended as vigorously as possible, even when the lawyer knows the party is guilty, even at the expense of setting him free possibly to murder again. Legal ethics must override personal morals for the greater good of upholding a justice system in which the accused are given a fair trial and the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."

The Role Of A Teacher

The Role Of A Teacher

The role of a teacher in today’s world is a complex and diverse one.  It is to provide intellectual and social development, to have integrity, to be honest and to always provide appropriate conduct in the classroom and the community.

In addition to these attributes, the role of a teacher is to acquire professionalism and ethics and abide by their own moral code and that of their school, while maintaining a commitment to confidentiality between students, colleagues and the community.

A very prominent role of a successful teacher is to plan and implement learning activities that will benefit the intellectual needs of all students. Some guidelines for the teacher to teach the curriculum would be to have suitable and appropriate content and process in the classroom, to have resources which complement the content areas, to make the curriculum appealing to the imagination and to hold children’s interest, and the structure of a discipline. Taking into consideration that there may be many different learning abilities,
styles and behaviours of students in the one classroom. When a teacher knows their students well they will understand their capabilities, strengths and weaknesses and to acknowledge and support those needs.

A modern day teacher should be at the forefront of new technologies and have a continual appreciation for learning.  Professional development is the process by which teachers achieve higher professional competence and expand their understanding of self, role, context and career.

The following is an additional check list of guidelines for an effective educator and emphasizes the role of the teacher in the classroom today:

Listening – students need to be acknowledged as valuable contributors, this is a very positive experience for a student.

Clarifying – ensure that instructions are understood.

Encouraging – reassurance to the student that you understand their message.